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- Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1992 08:42:40 -0500
- From: darnelll@sy2000.cet.fsu.edu
- Subject: Nuntius V1.1.1d9 Text File
- This is the help for Nuntius v1.1.1, a wonderful communication program and
- news reader. This help file was taken from the balloon help provided in
- the program itself. I, as well as some of my colleagues, prefer to read
- this offline in printed form. I take no credit for it. I did add a short
- glossary of terms to explain the differences in terminology not discussed
- in the help files. That is the only thing I take credit for. I hope this
- helps people like it has helped us.
- **********************************************************************
- Larry Darnell (904) 644-4720
- 406 MCH, B-150 (904) 644-5803 Fax
- Florida State University Computer Support Specialist
- Tallahassee, FL 32306-4018 darnelll@sy2000.cet.fsu.edu
- Nuntius 1.1.1d9
- A Newsreader for the Mac
- Menu Structure
- Apple Menu
- About Nuntius-Displayes information about Nuntius and its lack of shareware
- fee.
- File menu.
- Use this menu to open, close, save, and print Nuntius documents, and to
- quit Nuntius.
- New Groups-Creates a new empty list for groups. You can drag groups you
- often read to this list.
- Open...-Displays a dialog box that allows you to select an existing group
- list document to open.
- List All Groups- Opens the list of all groups.
- Close-Closes the active window.Saves the active document.
- Save-Saves the active document.
- Save As...-Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name to the
- document and indicate where to save it.
- Save a copy as...Displays a dialog box in which you can assign a name to
- the copy of the document and indicate where to save the copy.
- Revert to Saved-Reverts the document to the lastest version saved.
- Extract binaries:
- In list of threads:
- If you have selected multiple threads, they will be extracted as one
- document.
- In list of articles:
- Hold down the option key to extract binaries from selected articles only.
- Page Setup-Displays a dialog box in which you can select paper size,
- orientation, and other printing options.
- Print...-Prints the contents of the active window.uPrints the contents of
- the active window
- Quit...Quits the Nuntius application. If you have not saved changes you
- made to an open document, you will be asked whether you want to save
- changes.
- Edit menu.
- Use this menu to manipulate text, to select the entire contents of a
- document, and to show what's on the Clipboard.
- Undo...-Undoes your last action.
- Cut-Removes the selected text and places it temporarily into a storage area
- called the Clipboard.
- Copy-Copies the selected text. The original selection remains where it is.
- The copy is placed temporarily into a storage area called the Clipboard.
- Hold down shift key to avoid "In article ...".
- Hold down option key to avoid getting '>' in front of each line.
- Paste-Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the location of the
- insertion point.
- Clear-Removes the selected text or graphics without storing it on the
- Clipboard.
- Select All-Selects the entire contents of the open document.
- Show Clipboard-Displays the contents of the Clipboard (a storage area for
- the last item cut or copied).
- Hide Clipboard-Closes the Clipboard window.
- Threads menu.
- Use this menu to manipulate threads: specify which threads to show, and to
- change the status of threads.
- Post Article in New Thread-Creates a new thread for for use when you want
- to start a new discussion.
- Articles menu.
- Use this menu to manipulate articles: specify which articles to show, and
- to post follow-up articles.
- Post Followup Article-Prepares and posts a new article as a response to
- existing articles.
- Reply to Author by Mail-Creates a new letter (in Eudora) to the author of
- the selected articles.
- Show Headers-Shows the headers. Not very interesting mostly.
- Preferences menu.
- Use this menu to specify your name etc, font, options for extracting
- binaries, editing articles for posting.
- Your Name-Choose this to specify your full name, email address, and name of
- your organization.
- Binaries-Choose this to specify various options for extracting binaries.
- Editing Articles-Choose this to specify various options for editing and
- posting articles, eg which word processor to use, folder for articles, and
- signature file.
- Mail-Choose this to specify various options for your mail application.
- News Server-Choose this to specify various options for the news server.
- Misc-Choose this to specify misc options.
- Check for New Groups-Choose this to update the list of all groups. If new
- groups have been created, they will be shown in a new group list. Hold
- down the option key to rebuild the list from scratch.
- Forget Password-Choose this to make Nuntius very forgetfull about your
- password.
- Nuntius will ask for your password when (if) needed.
- Short Glossary of Terms:
- Group- A large classification of news. Generally speaking the categories
- Alt, Comp, and News are groups. The representative icon is a folder. In
- the hierarchy, a group is made up of threads and ultimately articles
- Thread- As indicated above, a thread is made up of articles. A thread is a
- more specific identification of news than the term Group which is most
- general. The thread icon is the document icon.
- Article-When a thread is opened, articles appear with dots beside them
- indicated read and unread messages. To read an article, double click on
- any topic you wish to see. An article appears much like E-Mail messages in
- your E-Mail applications.